Trade Accumulator

I’m familiar with unfamiliar territory. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve learned to learn quickly.


Sales, Youth Program Leadership, Photography, Retail, Church Ministry, Pest Control, Consulting, Smart Home Automation, Contracting/Construction, Customer Service, Large Format Printing, Entertainment, Food Service, tourism, Healthcare.

Opportunistic Nomad

Q: Out of 31 cities and 4 countries, what is the chance that Cincinnati is my favorite?

A: Technically 3% but I feel right at home.


Cincinnati, Orlando, Murray, Stockton, Providence, Raleigh, Rancho Santa Margarita, Hamden, Cranberry, Pittsburgh, Mombasa, Bakersfield, Rexburg, Alta Arden, Mbale, Gulu, Kololo, Seeta, Kajjansi, Johannesburg, Salt Lake City, Dacono, Idaho Falls, El Centro, Payson, Bend, Chico, Rescue, Roseville, Sacramento, Orem


(Attention Deficit Hyperactive Boston)

Hobbies… interests… passions… money pits… Call them what you will—I’m always eagerly anticipating something!


Driving/detailing manual transmission cars (my Miata and Civic), Collecting vinyl records, Learning about audiophile equipment, Attending concerts and city events, Going to theaters (movies and plays), Trying new foods, Reading fantasy books with “hard magic” systems, Personal-shopping for friends and family, Reading technology product descriptions/comparisons, Playing story-driven video games, Hiking and Birding with my wife, Advocating for wellness (physical, community, financial, spiritual, etc.), and Photography.

Ideas? Bounce them off me!
